Ruling on Paying Money as Zakāt al-Fitr and those Who did so in the Past

Uploaded Sep 24, 2024

We have an Imām of a masjid who, in the Eid sermon, allowed giving Zakāt al-Fitr as money. So, what is your view on that, your eminence? Please advise us, may Allāh reward you well.

Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
We pointed out the answer to this issue in the previous question and that it is not permissible to give Zakat al-Fitr as money. That’s because the Shariah (Islamic legislation) came only with the obligation of a Sa' (a specific unit of volume) of food of different sorts: different types and different values from raisins to barley to dates to a type of dairy/cheese food. If what was intended is the value, then one of these types [of food] would have been specifically chosen and the other types according to what is equivalent of the chosen type. It would not have been evaluated by a Sa' of each one specifically. In addition, giving it out as dirhams (currency) keeps it concealed. However, when it is (given as) food, it is more known, apparent, and all of the members of the household know it. Likewise, it would be visible [since] everyone takes it and gives it to the poor in an unhidden and clear way. However, if it is in the form of currency, it would be hidden, the one who is giving it might forget it, or perhaps he would underestimate its value. And it [i.e., giving Zakat al-Fitr in currency form] is prevented by many detrimental issues. Thus, we see that the view which says that it is permissible to pay money for Zakat al-Fitr to be weak, and the correct view is that it is not permissible to give it out except as what the Shariah has imposed it as: [which is] from food. The Moderator: "But Sheikh Muhammad, in reality, many questions and inquiries are posed regarding this issue. And some of the questioners say: we have already given it out as money, so is this money that was paid in the past years sufficient, or do they have to give another Zakat?" The sheikh continues: If their payment was based merely upon preference (i.e., what is more suitable for them), then they must repeat giving the Zakat because they acted without knowledge. However, if it was based on a fatwa (Islamic verdict) from someone whom they see as more knowledgeable than them and worthy of giving fatwa, then there would be nothing on them. (And) their sin is upon the one who gave them the fatwa.

Additional references

The Series of Fatwas of Noorun Ala Addarb of His Eminence, The Scholar, Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Sālih Ibn ʿUthaymīn - Tape: 4 Fatwa: 13