What should be done if someone dies before being circumcised?

Uploaded Sep 14, 2024

They ask: Some people in the past didn’t circumcise their children until after they turned 15, and there were some children who died before (reaching) that, or they died before reaching Buloogh (puberty). So what is your view? Is circumcising them allowed after they die and before they are buried?

Sheikh Saleh Al-Luhaydan
If he died, there is no need for circumcision because the intent behind circumcision is removing what gathers impurities. That is what is intended foremost by circumcision, that after he relieves himself from urination, he is able to wash the area and nothing remains (of impurity) in the foreskin that covers the head of the penis. So if he died, then there is no need. Although, it is better for people to circumcise their children in their early youth, since it is indeed gentler upon them, easier, faster for development, and lesser in movement. And Allah knows best.