Ruling of Praying Upon Disbelievers and Sinners

Uploaded Jul 5, 2024

If a Muslim exits/exceeds from the limits of Shari'ah, should the Muslims pray upon him during his death or not ?

Sheikh Ibn Baz
This differs. If his exceeding the limits necessitates kufr, he becomes an apostate and is not prayed upon. As for his exceeding (the limits) by committing sins like Zina (fornication), while he doesn't regard Zina to be permissible, Or he consumes intoxicants, but he doesn't regard them to be permissible, or another sin which he doesn't consider to be permissible, he is prayed upon and supplicated for, for forgiveness and mercy because he is a sinner. However, if his sin necessitates apostasy and makes him exit from the fold of Islam, he is not to be prayed upon, like abandoning prayer, refuge is sought with Allah, or he is a Jāhid (disbeliever) of its obligation. (Also) like the one who regards Zina to be permissible, and like the one who curses the deen, the Messenger ﷺ, and ridicules him ﷺ. The one who dies upon this state is not prayed upon because this is apostasy from Islam. We ask Allah for safety. Yes.