Ruling of Paying Money as the Expiation of an Oath Instead of Food

Uploaded Jul 5, 2024

Is it sufficient for me to pay ten poor people money instead of feeding them? And the amount of money would be calculated by [the value of] the food, and this is for the expiation of an oath I took. May Allāh reward you with all that which is good.

Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
It is not permissible for a person to exchange food for Dirhams (currency). That’s because what is explicitly stated in the Sharīʿah (Islam) must be followed and not neglected because of something else. Thus, we say it is not permissible to pay Dirhams for Zakāt al-Fitr, the penalty of Thihār, the penalty of an oath, the penalty of shaving your head during Hajj, and the likes of that regarding which Allāh has explicitly mentioned as feeding. Surely, it is obligatory to follow the Qurʾān and Sunnah in these matters. And perhaps Allah has an insight that our minds do not comprehend regarding these restrictions, which some may think to be purely beneficial for the poor. So, he (i.e., the person) considers that Dirhams are better or more beloved to the poor than food and refrains from feeding them because of this perceived benefit. However, we see that such matters must be restricted to what the Sharīʿah has come with, and what the Sharīʿah has brought regarding it should not be overstepped.  

Additional references

The Series of Fatwas of Noorun Ala Addarb of His Eminence, The Scholar, Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Sālih Ibn ʿUthaymīn - Tape: 4 Fatwa: 12