What is the Ruling on Wiping over the Socks during Janabah?

Uploaded Jul 3, 2024

What is the Ruling on Wiping over the Socks during Janabah?

Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
If a person is upon Janabah (state of major ritual impurity), it does not suffice him to wipe over socks or leather socks. Rather he must remove them and wash the feet. That’s because there is no wiping during major purity (Al-Ghusl i.e., bathing) except for an emergency (like) wearing a cast. Therefore, one does not wipe over the head, the head must be washed whilst it is wiped during minor purity (Wuduʾ i.e., ablution). However, purification from major impurity is more emphasized, and its impurity is greater. So, making Ghusl (bathing) must be done. And one does not wipe over the socks due to this hadeeth, and because the meaning and qiyas (analogy) dictate this.