What is the Ruling of Celebrating One's Own Birthday?

Uploaded Jul 2, 2024

As for those who celebrate their own birthdays, what’s the ruling for this?

Sheikh Ibn Baz
This is al deplorable, whether this Eid is made for him, his mother, his daughter or his son. All of these innovations that they do now imitating Christians and Jews are baseless (i.e., in Islam). Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Uncle’s Day, Human’s day, his daughter or son’s day, all of these are deplorable, bida’as (innovations within religion), and imitation to the enemies of Allah. None of them is permissible at all. So, he must shut the door (i.e., of these evils) and be cautious of these innovations. However, some people have numerous wealth and blessings that they do not know how to spend them. They were not guided to spend them for the sake of Allah, building mosques and helping the poor. Therefore, they started to play with them (the wealth and blessings) in these Eids and similar things.