Should One Pray in the First or Second Jam'ah?

Uploaded Jun 26, 2024

A man came late for the Jama’ah (congregational prayer) and entered the Masjid, then found the first congregation is in the final Tashahhud. So, is it permissible for him to wait until another congregation comes, or should he hasten and pray with the first congregation?

Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan
If he expects that he will join a congregation and that (another) congregation will come and pray with him, then he waits. However, if he doesn’t know if someone will come or not, then he should join the Imam in what has remained of the Salah to get the reward. And he shouldn’t be negligent concerning the reward, when he doesn’t know if someone will come or not.

Additional references

Aqeedat Al-Salaf by Ibn Abi Zaid Al-Qayrawani