What is the Ruling on Celebrating Mawlid (Prophet's ﷺ Birthday)?

Uploaded Jun 25, 2024

May Allah do good to you. The questioner asks: Is it correct that celebrating the Prophet's ﷺ birthday is a personal choice and we can't forbid someone who believes it is permitted?

Sheikh Saleh Al-Luhaydan
I don’t know, but do we love the Prophet ﷺ more than the Sahabah (companions)? Do we love the Prophet ﷺ more than the Tabiun (their followers)? Do we love the Prophet ﷺ more than the followers of the Tabiun (i.e. their students)? The Prophet ﷺ has testified that they are the best of people, as he said in the authentic Hadith, that has been narrated in the Sahih (of Al-Bukhari) from the Hadith of Imran bin Hussain and the Hadith of Abdullah ibn Masud, may Allah be pleased with them all, because the father of Imran, Hussain, is a Muslim and a Sahabi, and Imran is a Sahabi. The Prophet ﷺ said: “The best of people”, meaning after the Prophets and Messengers, “is the generation that I have been sent to. Then the one after that," meaning the ones after them who are the Tabiun (students of the Sahabah), which it is the second generation, it doesn't mean 100 years - "and then those who come after them", which is the third generation. These generations all passed and they did not know of anything called "Mawlid" at all. And there is more than that. The third century after the Hijrah passed, the four Imams passed: Abu Hanifa, Malik, Shafii and Ahmad, as well as their students, and none of them knew of anything called “Mawlid”. Were these 3 generations upon ignorance and heedlessness? Or did they not have love and veneration for the Messenger of Allah ﷺ? Rather, let’s look further. The Mawlid of the Prophet was not known except in The Fatimid Dynasty (i.e. the Ubaidiyun) after the fifth century after the Hijrah. The Fatimids came about and they were not many. However, the first time it (the Mawlid) became famous, it became famous in Erbil, in the north of Iraq. The King of Erbil was the first to implement it, as if he followed and was influenced by the Christians and their celebration of the (supposed) birthday of Isa. Mawlid was not done by one person celebrating it on the day of the birth of the Prophet ﷺ, nor was it carried out by a group of students of knowledge, not even by the ignorant people. All of this (i.e. the Mawlid) is an innovation, there is no doubt about it. There is major exaggeration in it and it opposes Islamic legislation, which Allah did not permit. Despite that, it is not said that these people are disbelievers. When innovations appear, they cause corruption in the belief of the people and in their mannerisms. So, there is no doubt that the innovation of the Mawlid is from the evil innovations which many people and many of the people of knowledge have gone astray regarding. Rather, one of the known scholars, in the seventh century, roughly in the year 650, praised this innovation and said it is a good innovation which consists of many acts of worship. However, the scale for all of these innovations is the Hadith of the Messenger ﷺ: “Whoever does an act that is not according to our matter (i.e. Islam), will have it rejected". Yes.