Does the Sunnah Ratibah of a Salah suffice Tahiyyatul Masjid?

Uploaded Jun 24, 2024

Does the Sunnah Ratibah like the two sunnah rak'ah of Fajr suffice the two rak'ah of Tahiyyatul Masjid (i.e., the prayer upon entering the Masjid)?

Sheikh Al-Albani
If he intends by them (i.e., two rak'ah), the (prayer of) Tahiyyatul Masjid then the Sunnah of that particular time (of Salah), it is permissible, but not the opposite. I mean, (this is) because Tahiyyatul Masjid is stronger (i.e., a more emphasized Sunnah) than the Sunnah of that particular Salah to an extent. There are those who say Tahiyyatul Masjid is an obligation and we agree with them. For this reason, it's necessary that he intends to pray Tahiyyatul Masjid before everything, then, the Sunnah of that particular Salah and not vice versa. Meaning, it's not permissible to firstly intend the Sunnah rak'ah then the Tahiyyah, No. That’s because the Tahiyyah is stronger (i.e., more emphasized) than the Sunnah (prayer). So, the (matter that is) stronger includes (what is) weaker (than it) and not the opposite. This is an issue related to physical (i.e., prayer) and non-physical (i.e., the intention) acts of worship at the same time.