The Ruling on Singling Out the Month of Rajab with Worship

Uploaded Jun 23, 2024

Is it true that the month of Rajab is singled out with specific acts of worship? I hope you can benefit us, as this matter has become unclear to us. Also, should the month be singled out with doing ‘Umrah or visiting Masjid An-Nabawi?

Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan
The month of Rajab, like other months, is not specifically designated for any particular worship over other months. There is no evidence from the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) that specifically allocates Rajab for prayer, fasting, Umrah, sacrifice, or any other acts of worship. Such practices were carried out during the pre-Islamic era, but Islam invalidated them. Therefore, Rajab is like any other month in terms of acts of worship. Anyone who introduces a unique act of worship specifically for Rajab is engaging in innovation (Bid'a). Innovations in religion are discouraged, as they introduce practices not established by the Quran or Sunnah. There is no reliable evidence specifically supporting any special worship during Rajab. In fact, the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) discouraged fasting specifically in Rajab. As for individuals who maintain regular prayers and fasting throughout the year, there is no issue with continuing these practices during Rajab, as it falls in line with their ongoing worship. However, singling out Rajab for exclusive worship beyond what is generally practiced in other months constitutes an impermissible innovation (Bid'a), and one does not receive reward for such actions. Yes.