Ruling of Paying a Fine for Not Doing the Housework

Uploaded Jun 21, 2024

There's a group of single man living together in a house, and they split the housework between them. Whoever doesn't do his assigned task pays a fine of 10 Riyals as a penalty for the task he didn’t complete. Then, it is spent on the house needs and food. He says, is it permissible to do so?

Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan
This is not permissible. This is an unlawful way of taking money, it's not permissible. If he doesn't do his duties, he brings someone else instead of him or he finds somewhere else to live.

Additional references

Questions and Answers Taken from the Explanation of the Book "Aqeedat Al-Salaf" by Ibn Abi Zaid Al-Qairawani