What is the Ruling of Traveling to the Land of Disbelief for Tourism?

Uploaded Jun 20, 2024

The Ruling of Traveling to the Land of Disbelief for Tourism

Sheikh Ibn Al-Uthaymeen
For this reason, I deem those who travel to the Land of Disbelief only for tourism to be sinners. Also, every shilling they spend on such a trip is Haram (forbidden) and a sheer waste of their wealth. They shall be called to account for it on the Day of Resurrection when they will not find a place to promenade or have a picnic; they would find nothing but their deeds. This is because these people waste their time, squander their wealth, and have their morals corrupted. And perhaps, they have their family members with them! It is surprising that these people go to the lands of the disbelievers where the voice of the caller to prayer or the remembrance of the one who remembers Allah is never heard. The only things heard are the Jewish trumpets or the Christian gongs. Then, they remain there for a long period of time with members of their families, sons, and daughters. Many evils occur from this - we ask Allah for Protection and Safety. This is from the trials for which Allah unleashes catastrophes. The catastrophes that afflict us, and those we are presently suffering, are all because of sins and transgressions.