Ruling of the Saying there is No Jannah or Hell-Fire

Uploaded Jun 20, 2024

There are some among those who are in the gathering or people in general who deny the Hereafter and Jannah. Meaning, they say: If a person dies, that's it, he is gone, he died like a dog. So, what's the ruling regarding the person who says this?

Sheikh Al-Albani
He is not a Muslim, jew, or a christian. The jews and christians are better than him. I mean he is a Dahri (atheist), a Zindeeq (hypocrite) deviant. He doesn't believe in Allah or His Messenger And in the Noble Qur'an (meaning of the ayah) "And he puts forth for Us a parable, and forgets his own creation. He says: "Who will give life to these bones when they have rotted away and became dust?" Say: (O Muhammad ﷺ) "He will give life to them Who created them for the first time! And He is 'Aleem [the All-Knower] of every creation!" [Surah Yā-Sīn: 78,79]