Ruling of Praying in the Outer Courtyard of the Masjid

Uploaded Jun 19, 2024

In the Janazah (funeral) Salah (prayer), some people pray in the outer courtyard of the Masjid while it is spacious and has a room inside, he says: How valid is the Salah (prayer) of those (people)?

Shaikh Saleh Al-Fawzan
The rows must be connected; it is not correct if there is a wide space between them. If the rows are not connected, their Salah is not correct. The rows must be connected. If the masjid is crowded and they pray outside, there is nothing wrong with that. If the masjid has space and there is room (to pray), then no. They must pray with the rows (i.e., of the people praying).

Additional references

Questions and Answers Taken from the Explanation of the Book "Aqeedat Al-Salaf" by Ibn Abi Zaid Al-Qairawani