What is the Ruling on Testing People with a Particular Person?

Uploaded Jun 18, 2024

Is it permissible to test people with a particular person? i.e., they are asked, “What do you think of so-and-so?” Then, they are judged according to their answer.

Sheikh Abdulmuhsin Al-'Abbad
It is not permissible to do such a thing. This is from the manipulation of people by the Shaitan (devil); them being preoccupied with “What do you think of so-and-so?” and “What do you think of so-and-so?”, then disassociating or associating oneself with the questioned person according to their answer. However, it is mandatory upon every sincere person to occupy themselves with seeking ilm (Islamic knowledge), occupy themselves with gaining beneficial knowledge, and not occupy themselves with “What do you think of so-and-so?”, “What did X say about Y?”, “What did they say about so and so and so and so?”, etc. Then, this subject will be their chief concern which only harms them and doesn’t benefit them.