What is the Ruling on Making Dua to the Attributes of Allah?

Uploaded Jun 18, 2024

How do we reconcile between what was reported in the Hadith “Yā Ḥayyu yā Qayyūmu (O Eternal One (affirming complete life), O Sustainer of creation, by Your Mercy I seek your aid)” and the Ijma’ (consensus) that Sheikh-al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah transmitted, that making dua (supplicating) to the Attribute of Allah is Shirk?

Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan
This is not making Dua to the Attribute “by Your Mercy I seek your aid”. This is Tawassul (i.e., pleading) to Allah by His Attribute of Mercy. This is Tawassul and it is taken from His Saying, the Most High, “And (all) the Most Beautiful Names belong to Allah, so call upon Him by them.” [Al-A’raf: 180] So, Tawassul (i.e., pleading) by an Attribute is by saying, “O Allah, I ask You by Your Mercy to have mercy on me.” or “Have mercy on me by Your Mercy.” you are addressing Allah the Almighty. As for making dua to the Attribute (of Allah), it is by addressing the Attribute, by saying, “O Mercy of Allah! Have mercy on me, o such-and-such etc.”. This is not permissible.