What isn't considered as backbiting?

Uploaded Jun 17, 2024

What isn't considered as backbiting?

Sheikh Ibn Baz
Whosoever shows sins (i.e., publicly), it’s permissible to backbite him; whether it was a bid’a (innovation within religion) or a sin. And whosoever doesn’t show (i.e., publicly), it’s not permissible to backbite him. However, whosoever shows sins (i.e., publicly), it’s permissible to backbit him in what he has shown. Two funerals passed by the Prophet, peace be upon him, and the gathering praised him in good terms. He said it has become certain. In the second one, the gathering condemned it in bad words. He said it has become certain. It was said: O messenger of Allah what has become certain? He said: he whom you praised in good terms, Paradise has become certain for him, and he whom you condemned in bad words, Hell has become certain for him. You are Allah's witnesses on earth. He didn’t disclaim their condemning with bad words (about the deceased) because he showed evil. This Mubtadi’ (innovator within religion) and the person with deviant thought have no honor in what they deviated, so don’t defend them. In fact, it may even be favored to add to it and show his error in his Bida’a (innovation within religion) or his deviant way