What Is The Ruling on Making Vows?

Uploaded Jun 13, 2024

Here are a few questions, and I believe that the questioner is a woman. The questioner says: what is the ruling of vowing? Is it impermissible or permissible?

Sheikh Ibn Al-Uthaymeen
The strongest opinion in my view is that vowing is Haram and not permissible, because the Prophet ﷺ forbade it, and the rule regarding forbiddance (i.e., verbally saying not to do something) is that it is Haram (prohibited). Also, it’s because the person burdens himself with that which Allah did not burden him with. In addition, it’s because he is at risk of not fulfilling his vow which happens a lot with people who take vows. They do not fulfil them. This is dangerous for them, especially because some people make difficult vows when they are going through hardship, then it becomes difficult for them to fulfill them. This is very dangerous.   What I hold to be correct and lean towards is that vows are forbidden and not disliked (Makrooh), because the Prophet ﷺ forbade it. The rule regarding forbiddance (i.e., verbally saying not to do something) is that it is Haram (prohibited). Also, it’s because of the hardship in it, as a person obligates himself with what is not obligatory upon him. He is fine without it.

Additional references

The Series of Fatwas of Noorun ʿAlā Ad-Darb of His Eminence, The Scholar, Sheikh Muhammad Ibn Sālih Ibn ʿUthaymīn - Tape: 4 Fatwa: 4