What is Better to do in Ramadan, Memorising the Quran or Reciting It?

Uploaded Jan 19, 2024

Esteemed Sheikh, as the month of Ramadan is approaching, which is better, busying ourselves with memorising the Quran and revising it, or increasing in reciting the Quran?

Sheikh Ibn Baz
What is apparent – and Allāh knows best – from the way of the Salaf is to increase in reciting the Qurʾān and strive to complete it many times, because it is an opportunity, along with contemplation and understanding. However, if along with that one also memorises whatever he can at other times, he can combine between both the benefits. He increases in reciting and sets a specific time to memorise whatever he can. This is good. However, one should increase in reciting until he completes it many times, following the example of the Salaf al-Ṣāliḥ (Pious Predecessors) – may Allāh ﷻ be pleased with them – and seizing the opportunity. That’s also because this contains a form of seeking knowledge and understanding the deen, for indeed, reading the Qurʾān includes understanding the deen and seeking knowledge, because the Book of Allāh contains guidance and Nūr (light).