What's the ruling on performing Jummah prayer if it coincides with the day of Eid?

Uploaded Jan 19, 2024

What's the ruling on performing Jumah prayer if it coincides with the day of Eid? Is it mandatory upon every Muslim to perform it, or just for a specific group of people? That's because some people think that if Eid coincides with Jumah, then there's no Jumah prayer.

Sheikh Ibn Baz
It's mandatory upon the Imām of the Jumuʿah (prayer) and the Khaṭīb (the one delivering the sermon) to perform the Jumuʿah prayer and to attend in the masjid and pray with those who are present. The Prophet ﷺ used to perform it (i.e., Jumuʿah prayer) in the day of ʿEid. He prayed the ʿEid and Jumuʿah prayers. And he might have recited Sabbiḥ (i.e., Sūrah Al-Aʿlā) and Al-Ghāshiyah in both the ʿEid and Jumuʿah prayers, as said by An-Nuʿmān Ibn Bashīr, May Allāh be pleased with them both, reported in the Ṣaḥīḥ. However, it is permitted for the one who attends the ʿEid (prayer) with the people to leave off Jumuʿah (prayer) and pray Dhuhr in his house or along with some of his brothers if he had attended the ʿEid (prayer). If he prays Jumuʿah along with the people, it's better and more complete. However, if he leaves off Jumuʿah because he prayed the ʿEid (prayer), then there's no blame upon him. However, it's upon him to pray Dhuhr either individually or in congregation.