Is it permissible to verbally express the intention for obligatory fasting or voluntary prayers?

Uploaded Jan 19, 2024

Your eminence, Um Musab says, “as in regards to uttering the niyyah (intention) of obligatory fasting or voluntary salah (prayers), is that allowed?”

Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
Uttering the niyyah of any act of worship is a bid'ah (innovation in religion). One must not say “I intent to make wudu (ablution)” upon making a wudu, “I intent to perform salah” upon performing a salah, “I intent to give charity” upon giving charity, “I intent to fast.” upon fasting, or “I intent to perform Hajj (pilgrimage)” upon performing a Hajj. Uttering niyyah hasn’t been reported from the Prophet ﷺ in any act of worship.  And why would you utter niyyah? Isn’t it the heart that is the place of niyyah? Doesn’t Allah, may He be exalted, say, “And indeed We have created man, and We know what his ownself whispers to him”? Yes, he does. Allah knows your niyyah. How come you inform Him that you have an intention. One might say, “I utter it to show sincerity to Allah.” We say sincerity belongs in the heart too. It belongs in the heart.