Is it permissible to have Muslim jinn remove black magic, considering everything Allah created is at the service of humans?

Uploaded Jan 19, 2024

Honorable Sheikh, may Allah bless you. An inquirer says, “You mentioned, may Allah protect you, that everything Allah created is at the service of humans. May Allah protect you. The inquirer then says, “Is it permissible, based on this, to have Muslim jinn remove black magic?”

Sheikh Al-Fawzan
Presenter: Honorable Sheikh, may Allah bless you. An inquirer says, “You mentioned, may Allah protect you, that everything Allah created is at the service of humans. The Sheikh: “He (Allah) harnessed for you.” “He harnessed for you.” He is the one who created for you what is in the heavens and what is on the earth. So yes, Allah harnessed it all for humans. What, here in this universe, isn't to serve the humans? Presenter: May Allah protect you. The inquirer then says, “Is it permissible, based on this, to have Muslim jinn remove black magic?” The Sheikh: This is not permissible. Seeking help from jinn, the absent and the dead is not permissible. Seeking help from a present living creature that’s able to help you is okay. But seeking help from a dead person; seeking help from an absent creature that isn't there with you (a jinn, an angel or anything); seeking help from someone who is not able to do what you want—all of this is not permissible.