Do Innovations Fall Under The Will of Allah?

Uploaded Jan 19, 2024

Do innovations not fall under The Will of Allah (i.e., that He forgives them) if they don’t take one outside the fold of Islam?

Sheikh Ibn Baz
Answer: Those who innovate are threatened with the Hellfire - Allāh's refuge is sought - except if they repent. We ask Allāh for wellbeing. However, if it (i.e., the innovation) is less than Shirk (disbelief/polytheism), it is hoped that the innovator (will be forgiven). This is because by definition, it falls under sins. However, it doesn't completely fall under the statement of Allāh ﴾ but He forgives other than that (i.e., Shirk) for whom He wills. ﴿ [An-Nisāʾ (4):116] However, if the innovation is other than Shirk, then it takes the same ruling as sins, in the sense that he doesn't eternally dwell in the Hellfire if he enters it.