How Should the Proclamation of Islam be?

Uploaded Jan 19, 2024

How should the Da'wa (proclamation) of Islam be?

Sheikh Ibn Baz
One should be wary of the proclamation of Jāhiliyyah (times of ignorance before Islam), (like saying) O people of so-and-so, O people of so-and-so. No! (Say) O people of Tawhīd! O people of Imān (belief)! They’re all brothers. If war comes, he doesn’t affiliate with and say, O so-and-so, O Qaḥṭāniy (a tribe), O tribe so-and-so, O tribe so-and-so, no. They are one. The Muslims are one. One shouldn’t make proclamations of Jāhiliyyah. And for this reason, when (a man from the time of the Prophet ﷺ) called [for help], “O Muhājirīn (migrants)!” And another (man) said: “O Anṣār (people of Madīnah)!” He (the Prophet ﷺ) said: “do you make the proclamation of the times of Jāhiliyyah while I am amongst you?!” So, what’s obligatory is calling by Islām. “O brothers! O Muslims! O believers!” (It should be) like this when calling for help. So, he urges them to fight in the name of Islām and Imān (faith).