What is The Ruling on Using Medicines which Contain Pork Fat?

Uploaded Jan 15, 2024

The sad girl from Al-Ruways has a big problem, she mentions that her mother used some medicine and drugs on her head, which led to the loss of most of the hair on her head. She says that she feels some embarrassment when she sits with other women, or something similar to that. She also mentions that a person had a similar problem like hers; most of the hair on his head fell off. And he used a treatment, so his head was healed, and much hair grew. She wants to take the medicine from him, but he mentioned that after he was cured, he came to know through someone who can read English that this medicine contains pork fat and some of its blood. So, she wants to know if it is permissible for her to use this medicine. Also, she doesn’t want to wear a wig because she believes that it is prohibited for a Muslim woman to wear a wig. And she hopes for an answer from your eminence.

Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
All Praise is to Allah, this question includes two parts: The first (part) is using the wig in the manner that she described, where her hair has fallen in a way in which there is no hope that it will grow back. Regarding this part, we say: There is nothing wrong with wearing a wig in such a case. That’s because it is not used to enhance beauty (as cosmetics), however it is (used) for removing a defect. Accordingly, it is not considered to be hair extensions which the Prophet ﷺ cursed the one who does it, “Allah has cursed the woman who adds/supplies false hair (Wasilah) and the woman who asks for it.” (Bukhari and Muslim). The “Wasilah” is the one who connects her hair with something (i.e., uses hair extensions). However, this woman is not like the “Wasilah”, because she does not want to add it as cosmetics/adornment or add it to her hair, which Allah Exalted be He created for her. Rather, she only wants to remove a defect that has occurred, and this is okay. That’s because it is about removing the defect, not adding beauty, and there is a difference between the two matters. As for using this medicine that contains pork fat: if it is proven that it contains pork fat, then there is nothing wrong with using it when there is a need for it. That’s because what is forbidden in regard to the pig is eating it. Allah says, “He has forbidden you only the Maytah (dead animals), and blood, and the flesh of swine…” [Al-Baqarah 2:173]. Also, Allah the Exalted commanded His Messenger ﷺ: “Say (O Muhammad), “I find not in that which has been inspired to me anything forbidden to be eaten by one who wishes to eat it unless it is Maytah (a dead animal) or blood poured forth (by slaughtering or the like), or the flesh of swine (pork, etc.).” [Al-An’ām 6:145] And it is established that the Prophet ﷺ said, “It is only the eating of the dead animal which is prohibited.” And he allowed the use of its skin after tanning it. Also, it is established that he ﷺ said, “Indeed, Allah and His Messenger have forbidden selling alcohol, dead animals, swine, and idols.” He was asked, "O Messenger of Allah, what about the fat of the dead animals that is used for coating boats and as hides, and people use it for lighting purposes?” The Messenger ﷺ replied, “No, it is haram (forbidden).” Meaning, selling it (is forbidden), because that’s the context of the Hadith. And the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, did not ask this to know the ruling of these things (i.e., whether the pork is haram or not), but for it to be a justification for selling it. They said, these benefits that people benefit from (like) the fat of the Maytah (dead meat), does it not justify selling it? The Prophet ﷺ said, “No, it is forbidden.”. So, based on this, using this medicine on the head, if it is true that it is useful, then this is something necessary. So, if she uses it, then she should wash it (i.e., the pork fat) before praying. That’s because pork fat is najis (impure); that is if it is proven to be (useful). Presenter: Then, we say to the one who symbolized herself as “the sad girl”: In Sha Allah she is “the happy girl from Al-Ruways”, because she will be happy, In Sha Allah, with the leniency, ease of Islam, and that she can wear a wig. That’s because she is not one of those who wants to increase her hair (by using extensions for beautification), and she can use the medicine for treatment, but she should wash it off before praying. Sheikh: Yes.

Additional references

The Series of Fatwas of Noorun Ala Addarb for his eminence the scholar sheikh Muhammad Ibn Ibn Uthaymeen Tape: 3 Fatwa: 4