Is it a Must To Make Wudu after Eating Camel’s Meat?

Uploaded Jan 15, 2024

We have a teacher who says that camel meat does not invalidate Wudūʾ (Ablution). We asked him: Why is that? He said: At the time of the Messenger ﷺ, they gathered at the place of one of them and ate a camel. Then, a foul smell came from one of them. So, the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ, in order not to embarrass his companion from whom the smell came, said: “Whoever eats camel meat, let him perform Wudūʾ.” Thus, the companions also performed Wudūʾ so as to not embarrass their companion. He (i.e., the teacher) says: so, it became a custom that whoever eats camel meat should perform Wudūʾ (ablution). And he (i.e., the questioner) says: We students learned in elementary school that whoever eats camel meat should perform ablution, and the teacher did not tell this story. Please advise us, may Allāh benefit you.

Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
This story has absolutely no basis at all. It is a lie upon the Prophet ﷺ. And the Prophet ﷺ can say at that moment: Whoever breaks his Wudūʾ let him perform Wudūʾ. [He ﷺ would] not make all people perform Wudūʾ for the purpose of obscuring the one who made this sound or obligate the Ummah (Islamic nation) as a whole. In any case, this story is false. And the correct view from the statements of the scholars is that Wudūʾ is obligatory upon whoever eats camel meat, regardless of whether he ate it uncooked or cooked, and whether it was a little or a lot from any of the parts of the body. (That’s) because of the generalization in the statement of the Prophet ﷺ: “Perform Wudūʾ from (i.e., after eating) camel meat.” And a man asked him (the Prophet), and he said: O Messenger of Allāh, should I perform Wudūʾ from (i.e., after eating) sheep meat? He said: "If you wish." He said: Should I perform Wudūʾ from camel meat? He said: "Yes." So, when he made the Wudūʾ from eating sheep meat dependent on his (i.e., the man’s) will, it indicated that Wudūʾ from camel meat does not depend on his will. And this is the meaning of the obligation to perform Wudū from camel meat. The moderator: So, a Muslim must perform Wudūʾ from eating camel meat, and the fabricated story regarding the one who performed Wudūʾ because he ate camel meat, this is not correct. The Sheikh: Yes.

Additional references

The Series of Fatwas of Noorun ʿAlaa Ad-Darb of His Eminence The Scholar sheikh Muhammad Ibn Ibn ʿUthaymīn - Tape: 2 Fatwa: 9