Can we Send Salah on the Prophets other than Muhammad ﷺ ?

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Is it permissible to send Salah upon the Prophets other than Muhammad ﷺ?

Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
Yes, it is permissible to send Salah (salutations and blessings) upon the previous Prophets, blessings and peace be upon them. In fact, it is also permissible to send Salah upon the believers who are not Prophets. If it (i.e., the Salah upon believers) is following (i.e., the Salah upon the Prophets), then (it’s permissible) by the Quran, Sunnah, and Ijma’ (consensus of the scholars), such as in the Prophet’s statement ﷺ when he was asked: how should we send Salah upon you? He said: “O Allah, send Salah on Muhammad and on the family/followers of Muhammad as You have sent Salah on Ibrahim and on the family/followers of Ibrahim, You are indeed Hameed Majeed (All-Praiseworthy and All-Glorious)”. And “the family/followers” of the Prophet ﷺ, in this sentence, are those who follow his Sharia (religion) from his relatives and others. This is the overweighing view, even though those who have the right to be included in this sentence first and foremost - meaning from “the family/followers” of Muhammad- are the believers from the relatives of the Prophet ﷺ. However, despite that, it includes all those who follow and believe in him, because they are part of his family/followers. So, sending Salah upon those other than the Prophets (after sending Salah upon the Prophet) is permissible according to the Quran, Sunnah, and Ijma’ (consensus of the scholars). However, sending Salah upon those other than the Prophets separately is a matter of disagreement between the scholars; is it permissible or not? The correct view is that it’s permissible. It is permissible to say regarding a believer Sala Allahu Alayh (to send Salah upon him). Indeed, Allah said to the Prophet ﷺ: {Take Sadaqah (alms) from their wealth in order to purify them and sanctify them with it, and send Salah upon them (invoke Allah for them)} [Surah Tawbah 9:103]. So, the Prophet ﷺ used to send Salah upon those who came to him with their Zakah, he said “O Allah! Send Your Salah upon the family of Abi Aufa” when they came to him with their Sadaqahs (mandatory sadaqah meaning Zakah). Except if it is taken as a slogan for a specific person, every time he is mentioned, it is said “may Allah send Salah upon him,” this is not permissible for anyone other than the Prophets. For example, if every time we mentioned Abu Bakr, we said “may Allah send Salah upon him,” every time we mentioned ‘Umar, we said “may Allah send Salah upon him,” every time we mentioned ‘Uthman, we said “may Allah send Salah upon him,” or every time we mentioned ‘Ali, we said “may Allah send Salah upon him,” Then this would not be permissible. Meaning: it is not permissible to make sending Salah a slogan for a certain person who is not a Prophet.

Additional references

The Series of Fatwas of Noorun Ala Addarb for his eminence the scholar sheikh Muhammad Ibn Ibn Uthaymeen Tape: 2 Fatwa: 4