Is it Favored to Repeat the Supplication Three Times?

Uploaded Jan 15, 2024

One of the conditions of dua’ (supplication) is to be repeated three times, and, on Friday the khateeb (the one who gives the sermon) read [his sermon] and said the dua’ (supplication) only once after the sermon in the Masjid. Is this permissible? I would like a clarification for that.

Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
The matter is not as this brother has understood, that repeating the supplication three times is a condition. Rather, this is one of the etiquettes that is not a condition. And it is permissible for a person to make dua’ (supplication) to Allah the Exalted once. Meaning, that he does not repeat the statement that he made dua’ with. The repetition is an aspect of etiquette, not a condition. However, it is important that he knows that from the conditions of dua’ is that a person believes in the One that he is supplicating to and believes that He can answer his supplication. Also, from the very important etiquettes is to avoid that which is haram (forbidden) in eating, drinking, and clothing. For the Prophet ﷺ mentioned, “A man who makes a long journey in a disheveled and dusty state, who stretches out his hands to the heaven saying, ‘O my Rabb (Lord), O my Rabb’.” And all of these (aforementioned things) are reasons for the dua’ to be answered. He said ﷺ: “Whereas his food is haram (unlawful), his drink is haram, his clothes are haram, and his nourishment is haram. How can then his supplication be answered?!” So, the Prophet ﷺ ruled out that the supplication would be answered for this man from whom the reasons for answering the supplication were found. The Prophet ﷺ ruled out that his supplication would be answered because of a strong matter which prevents it, which is that he nourishes himself and wears that which is haram (forbidden). In any case, there is no problem with the action of the khateeb, which is making dua’ one time during the sermon.

Additional references

The Series of Fatwas of Noorun Ala Addarb for his eminence the scholar sheikh Muhammad Ibn Ibn Uthaymeen Tape: 2 Fatwa: 2