What is The Ruling on Eating the Meat of Jews and Christians and Slaughtering by Electrocution?

Uploaded Jan 14, 2024

I am working in one of the chicken factories in the Netherlands. And this chicken is shipped to many Islamic countries, knowing that this chicken is not slaughtered in the Islamic way. So, is this chicken halal (permissible) or haram (prohibited)? I hope that the reply will be on Sunday in the Netherlands because my vacation is on that day.” The questioner also mentions that these chickens are subjected to electric shocks or special guns for killing chickens, so what is the ruling on this?

Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
The ruling is that we first discuss who is responsible for this slaughtering, is he a Muslim or from the People of the Book (Jews and Christians)? If the answer is in the negative, - i.e., that the one who performs the slaughtering is neither a Muslim nor from the People of the Book - then the sacrifice is not permissible even if it is done in the Islamic way. That’s because Allah says, “Similarly, the food of the People of the Book is permissible for you.” (Surah Al-Maidah 5:5) So, He (ﷻ) singled out “the People of the Book” who are the Jews and Christians, due to their food being permissible for us. And this restriction is not understood by the concept of the title, as it was understood by some of the later scholars. Because the relative noun with the sentence that comes after it is like a derived noun, so His saying, “the People of the Book” is like saying “those who were given the Book.” “The food of the People of the Book”. It is as if it is said, “the food of those who were given the Book.” And this is a derivative description, so it should be understood as a description not as a title. The People of the Book also have other rulings that are specific to them from other disbelievers. What must be said is that the slaughtering (of animals) made by other than the People of the Book (the Jews and the Christians) is impermissible in whatever way (it was done). And if the answer is in the affirmative; That the one who slaughters is from the People of the Book - the Jews and the Christians - and likewise, if the one who slaughters is a Muslim, then we look into the method (of the slaughtering). If the method is Islamic then the sacrifice is permissible, and if not, then no. However, among the people of ‘Ilm (Islamic knowledge) are those who see the permissibility of the sacrifice of the People of the Book, even if it was not done according to the Islamic way, based on the generality of His saying, “and the food of the People of the Book is permissible or you.” (Surah Al-Maidah 5:5). And they said: what the People of the Book believe to be permissible slaughtered food for them, is permissible for Muslims; In whatever way they slaughter it. Also, they took as evidence that the Prophet ﷺ used to eat from the sacrifices of the Jews without asking about the way it was slaughtered. However, the overweighing view is that the slaughtering must be done in an Islamic way, in which the blood flows. That’s because these generalities - I mean the generality of His saying “And the food of the People of the Book.” And (the generality of) the incidents that occurred from the Messenger ﷺ when he ate the sacrifices of the People of the Book - are specifications for the saying of the Prophet ﷺ “If the blood is shed and the name of Allah is mentioned, then eat.” This Hadith rules over the generalities that permit the sacrifices of the People of the Book unrestrictedly. Also, this is the meaning indicated by it, because the congestion of the blood is the reason for its malice, impurity, and prohibition. Likewise, if the Muslim - who is more honorable, better, and purer than al-Kitabi (a Jew or a Christian) - must make the blood flow in his sacrifice, so it makes more sense that al-Kitabi (a Jew or a Christian) should do so as well. So, what remains now is to consider the method that the brother mentioned, is there blood flow or not? The Questioner: He said that it gets electrocuted and then the head is cut off so that the blood comes out. The Sheikh: If blood comes out after it has been cut off, then this means that the sacrifice did not die by electrocution. However, it was stunned then slaughtered, and accordingly it is permissible. That’s because the Prophet ﷺ said: “If the blood is shed and the name of Allah is mentioned, then eat.”. And it is not possible for blood to flow the common way unless the sacrifice is alive. However, if it dies, the blood changes and clots, and nothing can come out except for a little bit. In any case, if this electrocution that the brother mentioned doesn’t kill it, then slaughtering it before its soul departs is considered legitimate sacrifice. Due to the saying of the Most High, “Forbidden to you are Maytata (dead animals), blood, and swine; what is slaughtered in the name of any other than Allah; what is killed by strangling, beating, a fall, or by being gored to death; what is partly eaten by a predator unless you slaughter it.” (Surah Al-Maidah 5:3). In all of these things, from which He excluded that which you have slaughtered, the cause of death is present, especially by suffocation, for it is very similar to electrocution. Nevertheless, Allah the Exalted made an exception from its prohibition if it was slaughtered. Meaning, if it was slaughtered before it died, then it would be permissible. Accordingly, this electrocution is a means to facilitate slaughter only. So, if the slaughter is performed on it before the soul departs, then it is permissible. However, if the electrocution leads to its death - but this is contrary to what the questioner said because he said until the blood flows from it - then it is not permissible. The Questioner: However, in the case in which you mentioned that blood comes out of it, then it is permissible. The Sheikh: Yes, if it is the usual known blood.

Additional references

The Series of Fatwas of Noorun Ala Addarb for his eminence the scholar sheikh Muhammad Ibn Ibn Uthaymeen Tape: 1 Fatwa: 7