What is the Ruling on Working as a Driver in the Lands of the Disbelievers?

Uploaded Jan 8, 2024

What is the ruling on working as a driver in the land of disbelief knowing that he may take an unveiled disbelieving woman during the day, and she sits at the back of his car, not to the right of the driver nor the left, and he doesn't talk with her when taking her [somewhere] except for a necessity?

Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Tahiri
First of all, working in the lands of disbelief is not permissible except if one is compelled and is able to establish the rites of Islam. From establishing the Friday prayer and the congregational prayer. However, if he's not able to establish the Friday prayer and the congregational prayer, then it's not permissible for him to live in the lands of disbelievers. By Allah, that you eat vegetables that are cut from the Earth, the herbs that grow from the Earth in the lands of Muslims, whilst you hear the Adhan is better than you living as a master and king in the lands of the disbelievers, whilst you don't hear the Adhan. And you're not able to know the rites of Islam. And you're maybe not able to attend many of the congregational prayers out of fear or because of long distance. Let alone the Friday prayers and Eid prayers. However, if one is compelled and is able to establish the rites of Islam, then there's no harm in working as a driver, but with the condition that he's not alone with the women [in the car].