What is the Ruling on Learning Worldly Sciences?

Uploaded Jan 7, 2024

Here are some questions regarding learning worldly sciences, noble Sheikh. Is it considered to be from the beneficial studies for a Muslim?

Sheikh Ibn Baz
There is no doubt that learning wordly sciences is something that is required. Allāh,the Exalted says "And make ready against them all you can of power" [Sūrah Al-Anfāl: 60]. Muslims are in need of worldly sciences so that it aids them in the obedience of Allāh, to be free of need of what others have, and for making jihād on the enemies of Allāh. In addition to Muslims learning geology, engineering, medicine, and other sciences that aid them, they should also learn to invent things of power with which they can make jihād of the enemies; Everything that would aid them upon making jihād of enemies, ward off their evil, and make themselves safe from enemies is something that's required. "O you who believe! Take your precautions." [an-Nisa 4:71]. "And make ready against them all you can of power," [al-Anfal 8:60]. So, if occupying oneself with worldly sciences that would benefit Muslims is done for the sake of Allāh, he will be rewarded for it, along with it's great benefit. However, if it was learnt for the dunya, to gain benefit in the dunya, then this is allowed and there is no harm in it. However, knowledge of the deen is more important. So, let him take a portion of it (the wordly sciences) and strive in learning the deen, comprehending it, and along with that he learns what benefits him in his dunya if he is able to. If he combines between both, then it's goodness upon goodness.