Is making Dua of Qunut Obligatory in Witr Prayer?

Uploaded Jan 7, 2024

What's the ruling of the one who forgets Duʿāʾ of Qunūt in Witr prayer and prostrates before he makes the supplication? Does Sujūd As-Sahw (Prostration of Forgetfulness) make up for it?

Sheikh Ibn Baz
There's nothing binding upon the one who forgets the Qunūt of Witr. And Sujūd As-Sahw is not binding upon him, but if he performs it, it is okay. However, it's not binding upon him. That's because the Qunūt of Witr is recommended and not obligatory. And if he intentionally doesn't perform it sometimes, it's okay, like how the Saḥābah - May Allāh be pleased with them and please them - did. The matter is not restricted and All Praise and Thanks be to Allāh.