Can Laypeople Make Takfir?

Uploaded Jan 7, 2024

Someone who commits a nullifier from the nullifiers of Islam, and the conditions for Takfir (excommunication) are present, is it allowed for the layperson to do Takfir (declare him an apostate) of him, or is this specifically for the scholars?

Sheikh Muhammad Hisham Tahiri
Okay, how do you know that the conditions are present? It is not allowed for laypeople to apply the ruling of Kufr (disbelief) upon people; if we were to open this door, then every layperson will declare whoever they want a Kafir. Either due to their desires, deviance, or wickedness, etc. The only one who pronounces Takfir after the conditions are met and the obstacles are removed is the scholar who is in the position of a Mufti (one who issues Islamic verdicts), the Mufti himself, the ruler who holds the (rights of) ruling and judgment, or the judge who judges between the people. Other than these three, it is not allowed for anyone to rule that an individual is a Kafir. Okay, what if he committed Kufr (disbelief)? You say, "He committed an act of disbelief." You would say, "So and so..." (we seek refuge in Allah, we ask Allah for safety and wellbeing) "he disbelieved". Why do you say, "He disbelieved"? This is a description, it is not applying the ruling. (You didn't say: "He is a Kafir"). Why did he disbelieve? He prostrated to an idol (for example) - there is no doubt that this is Kufr. However, when we come to implement the rulings of Islam upon him, we must raise this to the courts. It is possible that the judge finds that he is insane, and you do not know. The judge may find that the person did not even see the idol, for example. These affairs must be stayed away from, the issue of Takfir is not for everyone. In the time of the Prophet ﷺ, one of the Sahabah (companions) fell into a nullifier from the nullifiers of Islam. All the Sahabah saw him do this action and heard his statement. None of them said "You are a Kafir", "You are a Munafiq (hypocrite)", except for Umar, as he was a minister to the Prophet ﷺ ruling by Islamic laws and rulings. He said: "Let me strike his neck!" His position was like the position of an interior minister. (He said) "Let me strike his neck, for indeed he is a Munafiq". Despite this, the Prophet ﷺ was not pleased with this from Umar and explained that there is a preventive factor. The Prophet ﷺ asked the man: "What led you to do this?" He said: "By Allah, I did not do what I did in dislikement or hatred of Allah and his Messenger". He made clear that he did it in error, an error from Shaytan, and it wasn't a nullifier of Islam.