Why do we Test People?

Uploaded Jul 7, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Al-Uthaymeen
Why do we test people now? We say, 'What do you say about this and that?' 'What do you say about this person?' 'What do you say about that group?' Did the Prophet ﷺ test people like this? Or did the companions test people like this? This is a behavior of astray parties, which seek to divide people, so that you do not become an impenetrable mountain in front of the challenges that we hear of every day and see in newspapers and magazines, from those who attack this religion and its people. If the youth, who say that they care about Islam and are jealous for Islam, if they become divided, then who will stand for Islam? And who will dispute these falsifiers? I say: O youth, do you not know that this division pleases the enemies of Islam from secularists and others? Because they will say: the Muslims have saved us a job (by dividing). If one of these atheists, rather if a nation of these atheists wanted to divide the Muslim youth to this extent of division, they wouldn’t be able to, if the intentions (of Muslims) is sincere and the deeds are righteous.