The One who Expels a Mistaken Salafi from Salafism

Uploaded Jul 7, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Al-Uthaymeen
There is no doubt that every human being has mistakes, except for whom Allah Almighty wills. The Saffarinia has words that can be criticized. However, if it is one out of the thousands of issues that is criticized, is it said that the man isn’t from Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamaa’ah! Or he is no longer Salafi! Perhaps he (i.e., the one saying that) is the one who departed from Salafiyyah, as the Salaf forgive (falling into) a few mistakes (for the one who is) upon a lot of correctness. And they judge justly. As for judging unfairly, and if a person errs in a matter and follows the way of the mubtadi’ (innovators within religion) in an issue, it is said that he is one of them! He is Ash'ari and should not be listened to! This is not from the way of the Salaf, the righteous Salaf, may Allah be pleased with them, they look at the good and the bad and judge with justice. And the Aqeedah (i.e., the Saffariniyah) is Salafi, but there are errors in it, no doubt.