Which is Better: Seeking Ilm or Worship?

Uploaded Jul 6, 2024
Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan
Moderator: He (the questioner) says: Honorable Sheikh may Allah grant you success. What is your advice for me and those like me, for I have spent nearly 18 years in seeking Ilm (Islamic knowledge) from scholars and feel that all my efforts didn't bear the desired fruit, shall I give up on seeking Ilm and devote myself to worship? It’s worth noting that I'm 40 years of age. Sheikh: No, never get bored of seeking Ilm (Islamic knowledge). Seek Ilm! You will never learn it all (i.e., all of the Ilm). However, you will only get part of it. If you spend your whole life [seeking Ilm], you will only get part of Ilm. {....And you [i.e., mankind] have not been given of knowledge except a little.} [Al-Isra: 85] But a little [of Ilm] with good deeds (you find) bliss and prosperity. There is no doubt that it’s good to continue seeking ilm. As for worship, seeking Ilm is an act of worship. Seeking Ilm is better than voluntary prayer. Because you only benefit yourself with voluntary prayer. But seeking Ilm will benefit people. They’ll benefit from you. You will benefit and benefit others. So undoubtedly, seeking Ilm is an act of worship. Yes. And Allah the Exalted knows best, and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammed and all of his family and companions.