Repentance after having stolen money

Uploaded Jun 25, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Al-Uthaymeen
If the sin is between you and the creation, If it is money, then you must return it to its owner. And the repentance won’t be accepted except by returning it. For example, you stole money from someone and you repented from that, then you must return that which was stolen to the person it was stolen from. You denied someone his right, meaning that you owed a debt to someone and you denied it, then you repented. Then you must go to the person who you owe the debt to and you had denied it to him and confess to him. And admit so that he takes his right. If he has died, then you give it to his heirs. And if you do not know them or this man disappears and you do not know where he is, then give charity on his behalf to get rid of it. And Allah the Exalted knows him and will return it to him.