Can the Dead Receive Rewards if His Brothers or Relatives Wear His Clothes?

Uploaded Sep 27, 2024
Sheikh Saleh Al-Luhaydan
[Question:] This question is about the clothes of a dead person. The questioner asks: if this (dead) young man’s clothes are worn by one of his brothers or relatives, does any reward reach him or not? [Answer:] If the wearer is not in need of them and he is well-off, then I do not believe the dead is rewarded by a living person wearing his clothes, this is if he is well-off. However, if the wearer is poor and in-need so the clothes were donated to him, hen, no doubt, the dead receives reward. However, if the questioner thinks the brother wearing the clothes will remember his dead brother whenever he sees them, thus making dua’ (supplication) for him, then, the dead’s reward would be because of the dua’, not wearing the clothes. But wearing the clothes has the benefit of reminding (the relative to supplicate).