What is Salafiyyah?

Uploaded Aug 31, 2024
Sheikh Saleh Al-Suhaymi
...By following the Salaf (pious predecessors); When Al-Salaf is mentioned, it means Islam and Sunnah. When Al-Salafia (the way of the pious predecessors) is mentioned, it is the religion of Allah the Exalted which He accepts and doesn’t accept any other religion. It is the religion of Islam. All goodness is in following those who preceded us. Some people object to this word Al-Salaf, Al-Salafia, and they don’t want to be attributed to or called by this great blessed title. The word Salafi means Sunni, Muslim, true to obeying Allah, not one of these dishonest sects that are forming up these days. Thus, we don’t look at just the name, even though it is an honor for us to belong to Al-Salafia, however, not everyone who calls himself Salafi is a Salafi. These are only claims like those who kill and slaughter Muslims and call themselves the Jihadi Salafia, this is Satanic Successors (i.e. the opposite of pious predecessors); he (Satan) tempted and dictated to them (i.e. to do so). They haven’t aided Islam nor did they break the Kufar (disbelievers). In fact, they’ve become a thorn in the chests of Muslims. They’ve become a dagger in the chests of Muslims. They have become helpers of the Kufar (disbelievers) against Islam and Muslims. Salafis, the people of Sunnah and Jama’ah (congregation), the affirmed party, the successful party, and the people of Hadeeth are all names for one thing. They are upon what the prophet peace be upon him and his companions were upon as he the affirmed and truthful said peace be upon him. It doesn’t mean that these are different names. It’s like saying so and so is an author, poet, scholar of Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence), speaker, interpreter (of the Quran), and historian. These are names for one person who is characterized by them. فلا نتبرّم من الاعتزاء إلى السلفيّة؛ بل هي شرف لنا ﴿لِمَنْ كَانَ لَهُ قَلْبٌ أَوْ أَلْقَى السَّمْعَ وَهُوَ شَهِيدٌ﴾[ق:37]. So, don’t object to attributing yourself to Al-Salafia. In fact, it is an honor for us “for whosoever has a heart or who listens while he is present [in mind]” (Qaf: 37).