Making Analogies Against the Sunnah

Uploaded Aug 29, 2024
Sheikh Abdullah Al-Qusair
We stop where Allah and His Messenger have stopped us (Qur’an and Sunnah). We don’t make analogies. Likewise, what the Prophet ﷺ informed about the conditions of the Grave (Barzakh), like when he passed by two graves, he said that they’re being tormented. He took a damp leaf, split it in two, and put one on each grave. He said that perhaps it will relieve them until they are dry. This behavior of the Prophet ﷺ, undoubtedly, is a revelation from Allah the Exalted. Who informed him of the real condition of the two buried in the grave except Allah Almighty? We can’t know such things. So, we shouldn’t do a rational analogy (qiyas) against the Sunnah; rather, the Sunnah must be accepted, obeyed, and used as evidence. But we shouldn’t do a rational analogy against the Sunnah because this is what Allah the Exalted has kept for Himself. This is not based on opinion because opinion is the religion of those who favor (something) then legislate it (make it part of the religion). Therefore, Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said: If religion was by opinion, it would be wiping under the slippers instead of its top. So, an analogy shouldn’t be done against the Sunnah.