There is Nothing Wrong in Saying "No" to Others

Uploaded Aug 29, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
There is nothing wrong if a person uses the word "No". The Prophet ﷺ used the word "No", and his companions (also) used the word "No" with him. When the camel of Jabir (may Allah be pleased with him) got tired and the Prophet ﷺ caught up with him - a wonderful story - Jabir was with the Prophet ﷺ on a journey, and he was riding on a lean, weak camel. it wouldn’t walk (it was lagging behind) and had gotten tired. So, the Prophet ﷺ caught up with him. How did he catch up with him while the camel was weak and tired? Does this mean that the camel was in front of the people? No, however, from the habits of the Messenger ﷺ - as he is the guardian of his Ummah - is that he used to walk at the back, so that if someone needed something, he ﷺ would help him. Look at the humbleness and the good care! He caught up with Jabir and his camel had gotten exhausted, it wouldn’t walk. So, the Prophet ﷺ hit the camel and called Jabir (to ride it). Then he said, "Sell it to me for an Uqiyyah (approx. 1 ounce)", so Jabir said "No". He told the Messenger ﷺ "No", and the Messenger ﷺ didn’t disapprove of it. And when the Prophet ﷺ was asked by Sa'd bin Malik, "Shall I give 2/3 of my property in charity?" He (the Prophet) said, "No". And this is not (considered to be from) bad manners or bad character. Many people now do not like saying "No". They say, "Salamak, salam, salamtak." That’s good, there’s nothing wrong (with that); making Dua to Allah for his safety, however, if you say no, then there’s nothing wrong.