Did the Salaf Differ in Manhaj?

Uploaded Aug 29, 2024
Sheikh AbdulMuhsin Al-Abbad
He (the questioner) says, how true is this statement? Is it a correct statement? I heard some say al-salaf (the pious predecessors) may Allah have mercy on them, differed in some manhaj issues because manhaj is not infallible revelation. The sheikh: The word manhaj came to work recently, It’s known that the manhaj is the way/method. And the method as is well known and the correct manhaj must be based on what is religiously permissible; there shouldn’t be any manhaj which differs than what is lawful in the religion. The salaf have the same Aqeedah (belief/creed) and manhaj which is following the book (Quran) and sunnah and prioritizing the texts (i.e., textual proof – the Quran & Sunnah) over others. Also, other things which are their mainstays in Aqeedah (belief/creed) are called manhaj. Their approach is that they prioritize the text (i.e., textual proof – the Quran & Sunnah), they prioritize Naql over Aql (textual proof over the mind), and they accuse minds and rely on textual proof. This is called a manhaj and a method. And Aqeedah and what is other than Aqeedah, all of them, are only taken from the texts (i.e., textual proof – the Quran & Sunnah).