The Person who Intends Good, but is Prevented

Uploaded Aug 29, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
The person who wishes to do good and is keen to do it . . . if it is his habit to do the deed, but something stops him, then a full reward will be written for him. For example, if it’s a person’s habit to pray in congregation at the mosque, but something stops him—such as sleep, illness, or the like—then the reward of one who prays in congregation is written for him completely, without any reduction. Likewise, if it is his habit to pray voluntary prayers, but something prevents him, and he becomes unable to do it, then the reward is written for him in full. Also, if it is his habit to fast three days every month and he becomes unable to do so, and an obstacle prevents him, then the full reward is written for him. But if it is not his habit to do that good deed, then only the reward of good intention is written for him, without that of the good deed. The evidence for this is that some poor companions, may Allah be pleased with them, said, “Oh, Messenger of Allah, the people of wealth have surpassed us in reward and everlasting bliss,” meaning the wealthy surpassed them by means of giving charity and freeing slaves. The Prophet ﷺ said, “Shall I not teach you something that if you do, you will catch up with those who have surpassed you, and no one will surpass you except those who do the same as you?” He said, “You recite Tasbih (saying ‘Allah is free from imperfections’), Takbeer (‘Allah is the greatest’), and Tahmeed (‘all praise and thanks be to Allah’) 33 times after each prayer,” so they did that. The rich found out and did what the poor did, so the poor came to the Messenger ﷺ and said, “Oh, Messenger of Allah, our wealthy brothers heard what we did, and they did the same.” So the Prophet ﷺ said, “That is the Grace of Allah, which He bestows on whom He wills. And Allah is the Owner of Mighty Grace.” He did not tell them that they got the same reward of actually doing the deed, but there is no doubt that they got the reward of the intention. In this regard, the Prophet ﷺ compared one whom Allah gave wealth and he spent it on good causes to a poor man who said, “If I had the money of so-and-so, I would use it like he does.” The Prophet ﷺ said that he is equal in reward to the rich person, meaning they are equal in the intention reward. But as for the reward of actually doing the deed, it is not written for someone when he is unable to do it unless he has a habit of doing it.