Fighting for Arab Nationalism

Uploaded Aug 28, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
Fighting for Arab nationalism is fighting for a cause of Jahiliyyah (pre-Islamic ignorance), and whoever is killed for it is not a martyr. He loses the worldly life as well as the hereafter because this is not in the cause of Allah. Fighting for Arab nationalism is a fight of Jahiliyyah that does not benefit man at all. That's why, despite the power of Arab nationalist propaganda, we did not benefit anything from it. The Jews occupied our countries, while we fell apart. Disbelievers from the Christians and others were included in this nationalism, while non-Arab Muslims were excluded. So, we lost millions of people, millions of people for the sake of nationalism, while people who have no good in them were included in it. A people who, when they enter into something, failure and loss is decreed for it.