Fighting for the Sake of One’s Homeland

Uploaded Aug 28, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
The second bias or chauvinism is fighting for one’s country: If we fight for our homeland, then there will be no difference between our fight and the fight of the disbeliever for his homeland. Even a disbeliever fights for his homeland and defends it. And he who gets killed just because of defending his homeland is not a Shahid (martyr). Rather, what is obligatory on us, as we are Muslims and in a country of Islam— all praise be to Allah, and we ask Allah to make us steadfast on that— it is obligatory on us to fight for Islam in our country. Pay attention to the difference; we fight for Islam in our country, protecting Islam in our country. We protect Islam even if we are in the far east or west. If our country is in the far East or West, we fight for Islam; it is not only for our country. This tone must be corrected, and it should be said that we fight for Islam in our country or for our homeland because it is Islamic; we defend the Islam that’s in it. As for mere nationalism, it is a false intention that does not benefit a person at all. And there is no difference between a person who says that he is a Muslim and a person who says that he is a disbeliever if the fight is for the sake of the homeland, because it is his homeland. What is mentioned about the love of one’s country being part of Iman (faith) and that this is a Hadith of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ is a lie. This is a lie; it’s not a Hadith of the Messenger ﷺ. Love of one’s homeland because it is the homeland of Islam means you love it because it is an Islamic homeland. There is no difference between your homeland, which is your birthplace, or a distant homeland from the Muslim countries. All of them are Islamic countries we must protect. In any case, we must know that the correct intention is to fight for the defense of Islam in our country or for the sake of our homeland, because it is the homeland of Islam, not just for nationalism.