The Categories of People in Regards to Knowledge

Uploaded Aug 28, 2024
Sheikh Al-Albani
Thus, the noble ayah divides the people into two categories: The scholars and those who are not scholars. The obligation of the scholars is to give fatwa (rulings) for those who are not scholars. The obligation of those who are not scholars is to ask the people of 'ilm (Islamic knowledge) from what is evident from this ayah. Each of these two categories have their obligation. The one who is not a scholar "So ask the Ahlul Dhikr" (i.e.,) the scholars. And the one who is a scholar, it is upon him to convey this knowledge otherwise he would be subject to the curse that has been mentioned in the Qur’an, and the hadith of the Messenger ﷺ warning of it: "Whoever is asked of (some) knowledge and he hides it, he would be bridled on the Day of Judgement with a bridle from the Hell-Fire"