The Testimony of The Scholars

Uploaded Aug 28, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
It is of many types. One of them is to bear witness of the rulings of Allah the Exalted upon the 'Ibaad of Allah, and this is the Shahadah (testimony) of the scholars about which Allah said in the ayah, {Allah bears witness that La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped in truth but He), and the angels, and those having knowledge (also give this witness)} [Aal-Imran:18]. Many scholars have stated in the tafsir of the saying of Allah {Ash-Shuhada} that it refers to the scholars. There is no doubt that the scholars are shuhada (those who bear witness). They bear witness upon what? They bear witness that Allah sent His Messenger Muhammad ﷺ with guidance and the true religion. Also, they bear witness that the shari'ah of Allah has been conveyed to the ummah. And they bear witness regarding the rulings of Allah, whether something is Halal, Haram, obligatory, favored, or disliked. No one knows of these (rulings) except the people of knowledge. For this reason, they are shuhada.