Books on the Stories of the Prophets and Sahabah

Uploaded Aug 28, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Baz
Question: I request you to direct me to the names of some good books that relate the stories of the Prophets and Companions? Answer: Firstly, I direct you to focus on the Great Qur'an for it has the greatest and best of stories. Allah the Exalted said regarding it, {We relate unto you (Muhammad ﷺ) the best of stories} [Yusuf: 3] It contains stories of the Prophets, their nations, and the people of good and evil. It is the greatest, best, and most truthful book. so I greatly advise you with the Qur'an, and that you focus on reciting and contemplating on its meanings more. Then, after that, one of the best books regarding this topic is Zaad al-ma'ad fi Hadi Khayr al-'Ibad by Ibn al-Qayyim. Also, the first few volumes of Tarikh Ibn kathir on the Stories of the Prophet ﷺ , narrations about him, and narrations about the sahabah (companions). And all of his book is good (Al-Bidayah wa an-Nihayah), All of it is good. There is a brief book, by As-Suyuti, which he called Tarikh al-khulafa. It has good benefits. I also advise you to memorise Kitab at-Tawhid by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab, Aqidah al-Wasitiyyah by Shaykhul Islam Ibn Taimiyyah, Thalatha al-Usul , Kashf ash-Shubhat, and The Etiquette of Walking towards Prayer; all of these are beneficial books. Likewise, I advise you to read Fath al-Majid, the explanation of Kitab at-Tawhid, it is a good beneficial book. May Allah grant everyone success. Yes. Presenter: Ameen