Is It Obligatory to Fight to Defend One’s Self, Money and Family

Uploaded Aug 28, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen
As for fighting in self-defense: If someone attacks you in your house, wanting to take your money or intending to rape your family, for example, you fight him. Fight him, as the Prophet ﷺ commanded you to do so. He was asked if a person is approached by someone telling him: give me your money! He (the Prophet ﷺ) said: don't give him. The questioner asked: what if he fights me? He (the Prophet ﷺ) said: then fight him. The questioner asked: what if he kills me? He (the Prophet ﷺ) said: if he kills you, then you are a Shahid (martyr). The questioner asked: what if I kill him? He (the Prophet ﷺ) said: if you kill him, he is in Hellfire. (That’s) because he is a transgressing oppressor, even if he is a Muslim. If a Muslim comes to fight you, to expel you from your country, or from your house, (then) fight him. If you kill him, he is in the Hellfire, and if he kills you, you are a martyr. Do not say, by Allah, how can I kill a Muslim? How can I step forward to kill a Muslim? He is the transgressor. And if we hold our hands before the transgressors, the oppressors, those who don’t observe, towards a believer, ties of kinship, covenant, or religious commitments, then the aggressors would have authority, and they would corrupt the earth after it has been reformed. Therefore, we say that this issue is not a matter of offensive fight. As the offensive fight is known, for one doesn’t seek fighting a Muslim. However, I defend myself, money, and family, even if he is a believer. Not only if he is just a Muslim, but also if he is one of the greatest believers. Although it is not possible at all for a person with faith to seek fighting a Muslim to take over his family and money, never. And for this reason, the Prophet ﷺ said: “Reviling a Muslim is Fusooq (disobedience of Allah) and killing him is Kufr (disbelief).” There is no faith at all in a person who fights Muslims.