The Difference Between the Light in Sabr and Salah

Uploaded Jul 22, 2024
Sheikh Ibn Al-Uthaymeen
As for Sabr (patience), He ﷺ said : "Verily it is Diyaʾ" within it is light. However, (it is) light with heat, like how Allah the Exalted said, {It is He Who made the sun a shining thing and the moon as a light.} [Yunus: 5] Dau’ must contains heat and likewise is Sabr, it must have heat and weariness. (That's because) there is great hardship in (observing) it. Therefore, its reward is without reckoning. So, the difference between Nur in Salah and diya in patience is that diya in patience is accompanied with heat, because it takes its toll on the heart and body sometimes.